A new spin on quantum computing.

Photonic’s architecture uniquely networks silicon spin qubits together with photons to overcome the challenges that impede other platforms. The combined solution uses photonically-linked silicon spin qubits to implement a resource-efficient, error-corrected and truly scalable quantum computing platform. The Photonic silicon spin-photon platform establishes a clear path to scalable fault-tolerance.
T centres in silicon

T centre qubits in silicon leverage the advantages of both spin qubits and telecom photons.

Up to three nuclear spin qubits (two carbon and a hydrogen) can be used for memory and computation in each T centre, and one electron spin qubit can be used to do inter-T centre entanglement operations.

Silicon spins

Spin qubits within silicon have proven to be exceptional quantum memories—they have set performance records for fidelity and lifetimes.

The industrial dominance and extensive development of silicon offers such incomparable competitive advantages that, historically, if a solution is found using silicon, the silicon solution usually wins.

Telecom photons

Telecommunications-band (telecom) photons can be flexibly routed with arbitrary connectivity to connect matter qubits both locally and remotely, with low loss in cryogenic-compatible waveguides and at room temperature using modern telecommunications infrastructure.

Telecom photonic qubits will be the backbone of any highly connected global quantum network and of modular quantum computers.

Each T centre in silicon hosts an electron that can emit telecom photons.

Scalable icon

Quantum silicon processors with T centres, enabling fabrication at scale and network expansion.

Distributed icon

Qubits capable of communicating via telecom-band fibre infrastructure to network modules into distributed quantum computing clusters.

Fault Tolerant icon
Fault Tolerant

Proprietary high-connectivity switching architecture, enabling efficient, low overhead error correction codes for improved yield and scalability.

Horizontally scalable

Each module contains chips with thousands of T centres, each with 3 nuclear spins and an electron spin. T centres are coupled to optical cavities for tunability and efficient collection of emitted photons. Because T centres can natively interface with an optical switch network, modules of T centre computers can be efficiently networked together for horizontal scalability.

Chip Image

Modules are controlled by room temperature control electronics, and photons are routed through room temperature optical switches for cross-module connectivity. At a global scale, photons can pass through fibre networks or satellite links to connect remote computers.


Full stack quantum computing and networking

At Photonic, we believe that the most performant system will be one designed from the ground up with the needs of both computing and networking in mind. We have recruited experts from a wide range of backgrounds and expertise to build a full-stack fully integrated system. See our paper, Scalable Fault-Tolerant Quantum Technologies with Silicon Colour Centres, for more details about our architecture.

Photonic Lab with people working in it