Interview with Photonic's Founder and Chief Quantum Officer, Dr. Stephanie Simmons, about the path to large-scale distributed fault-tolerant quantum computers.
Scalability is perhaps the biggest challenge facing quantum computing. Known technologies have fundamental limitations on how many qubits can fit in a single module, which poses the question of how to scale beyond the number of qubits that can be hosted by a single module.
Developing performant quantum systems of commercial utility will require hundreds to thousands of logical qubits. To achieve this capacity, quantum systems must be modular due to the upper limits of qubit capacity in any single monolithic machine.
Photonic is excited to announce the newly publicized results from our collaboration with research partners at Simon Fraser University and Dartmouth College. Our research, now available on arXiv, delves deep into the physics of T centres, our chosen qubit technology.
Photonic Inc. today announced it is scaling up its executive leadership team with industry forerunners in the areas of research and development, materials science, quantum technologies, marketing, human resources, and legal.